We both survived the first weekend of phase 2! I have been amazed at how well these hCG Alternative drops from MediPro Direct work to relieve my feelings of hunger. I am usually the type of person that is ALWAYS hungry! Now, because of these oral drops, I have had to force myself to eat, even during meal times because I am simply not feeling hungry. I have only had one instance of nausea so far which didn’t last over 5 minutes. I was even able to play tennis yesterday without much fatigue.
After making it through the weekend without issues, I was very curious to weigh myself today. Both Elisa and I lost 2 pounds, as well as saw a decrease in our body fat percentages. This is the first time I have weighed below 190 lbs since my freshman year of college! Additionally, to see that I didn’t lose any muscle weight was extremely motivating. Reflecting on the fact that I lost 2 pounds of fat weight over a weekend with only about an hour worth of tennis for exercise blows my mind!
For this phase of the study I was instructed to stay away from intense exercise, and that I should focus on stretch workouts. Therefore, I plan on utilizing yoga classes for the next few weeks. I also plan on continuing to workout my abdominal muscles, as these muscles play a major role in creating testosterone, building muscle, and keeping away unwanted estrogen and fat. I have also read in some hCG Dieting forums that light exercise really helps prevent muscle loss, promotes fat burning, and keeps your muscles toned throughout the diet. As a fitness freak, I certainly plan on continuing some type of light workout plan to ensure I do not lose any muscle.
The toughest part for me so far has been that my sense of smell seems to have increased by 500%. Every time I am out, I seem to be much more sensitive to food smells! I have been to almost 10 San Diego Padres games so far this season, and not until this weekend have I ever really noticed all of the great smells of garlic cheese fries, pizza, and popcorn around the stadium. It was absolutely torture knowing I couldn’t even think about ordering those great smelling garlic cheese fries!
I have found it very interesting to see what I have come up with for my meals. So far I have not gotten too creative with the allowed ingredient list, but am finding that I like sticking to the seafood for my protein. I have stuck mostly to making salads with either romaine lettuce or baby spinach mixed with grape tomatoes and then some strawberries, an apple or an orange on the side. So far I have only done the supplied chocolate slim shakes for breakfast, which taste great! However, I am excited to eat an egg with a slice of Julian Bakery bread within the next couple days. For snacks I have been enjoying greek yogurt or a chocolate slim shake, and of course I have been drinking my usual hot teas throughout the day.
As always, thanks for reading, and keep checking back for more hCG Alternative diet updates!
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